Uploading Data to RedBrick

This page provides an overview of RedBrick-compatible data formats for upload and export, as well as an overview of uploading data directly to RedBrick servers ("Direct Upload").

Supported Image Import Formats

RedBrick AI supports a variety of different image formats:

  • NIfTI - .nii, .nii.gz

  • DICOM - .dcm, .ima, .dicom, .dicm

  • RGB Images - .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .bmp

  • Videos - .mp4, .mov, .avi

  • NRRD - .nrrd

It's uncommon for teams to export their images from RedBrick after a project has been completed, but you can see the list of supported image export formats here.

Annotations on RedBrick are stored and exported in NIfTI format by default. However, RedBrick supports several other formats when uploading and exporting annotations.

Supported Annotation Import Formats

  • NIfTI - .nii, .nii.gz (default)

  • RT STRUCT - .dcm

  • MHA - .mha

  • MHD - .mhd in combination with a corresponding .raw or .img file

Further information can be found in our SDK reference here.

Supported Annotation Export Formats

  • NIfTI - .nii, .nii.gz (default)

  • RT STRUCT - .dcm

  • PNG - .png

Further information can be found in our SDK export reference here.

If you require additional support for a file format that is not present in this list, please reach out to us at support@redbrickai.com.

Direct Upload

The Direct Upload functionality allows users to upload their image data directly to RedBrick AI’s servers. We recommend using Direct Upload if you’re working with a small dataset or want to do some light experimentation with RedBrick’s toolset.

All image data that is directly uploaded to RedBrick AI’s servers will also be stored there. If you’d rather not have your image data hosted on our servers, we recommend integrating your storage.

First, open a project that will serve as the destination for your upload. Then, click on Upload Data on the top-right of the dashboard.

  1. Select the type of data you want to upload. Please note that you can only upload one type of image data (DICOM, NIfTI, etc.) at a time, and each data type has its own folder structure.

  2. With DICOM & NIfTI volume data, you can also choose to group your data by study. Selecting Group by Study allows you to upload multiple scans as a single task. This is useful when you want to view or annotate multiple images (i.e. a full study) at once.

Folder Structure

DICOM 3D Volume

Upload all instances of a DICOM series to a destination folder. If you’re only uploading a single series, you can do so without designating a folder.

NIfTI 3D Volume

Individual NIfTI files are uploaded as separate tasks. If you’d like to group your tasks by study, place all of the NIfTI files correlating to a specific task/study in a separate folder.

Image 2D

Individual 2D images are uploaded as individual tasks. If you’d like to create a study task with 2D images, please use your external storage or upload data using the CLI.

Video Files

Individual 2D videos are uploaded as individual tasks. If you’d like to create a study task with 2D videos, please use your external storage or upload data using the CLI.

Video Frames

All video frames in a folder are uploaded as a single task and sorted by file name.

Last updated