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A Task is a unit of work that moves through your project pipeline in RedBrick AI. Tasks can consist of anything - a single image, series, or entire study, and your Labeler works with one Task at a time while annotating.
For example, if you'd like your Labelers to view & annotate an entire MRI study comprised of 4 series together, you should upload the 4 series together as a single Task (see "Multi-series Task" below):
RedBrick AI allows you to delegate work among your team using either automatic or manual task assignment.
Automatic Task Assignment is enabled by default upon Project creation. The automatic assignment protocol is a first-come-first-serve system, i.e. it assigns the oldest Tasks to the first annotators that request new Tasks.
Labelers can request new Tasks by clicking on the "Label/Review" buttons on the Project Dashboard.
You can disable Automatic Task Assignment in Project Settings -> General Settings.
Admins can also override the automatic assignment protocol and manually assign Tasks to users from the Data Page.
RedBrick AI will not automatically re-assign Tasks that have been manually assigned.
For example, the snippet below will assign study_001
in the Label Stage. Once the annotation is complete, the Task will be queued in Review_1
will be assigned as the Reviewer.
Always double check that your Stage Names (i.e., Label, Review_1, etc.) and user emails have been input correctly.
Also, when preassigning Tasks, all emails must be associated with an existing Project Member.
Once a Task is assigned to a user, it is added to their Labeling Queue. You can view your labeling queue in two ways.
While in your Queue, a Task can be in a few different states depending on the status of the annotation:
Assigned Tasks that you have not worked on yet will be displayed as Assigned.
Saved Once you save your in-progress annotation (either manually or through auto-save), the Task will show as saved.
Pending Finalization Once you are done with the annotation, you can Submit a Draft. All drafts that have been submitted will still be in your Labeling Queue pending finalization. You must finalize the draft to complete it and send it to the next stage of the workflow.
Skipped If you encounter a Task that you would like to complete at a later time, you can skip it to send it to the end of your Labeling Queue.
The diagram below is a visual guide to the flows associated with completing Tasks in your Labeling Queue, including associated actions and Task states.
RedBrick AI allows you to designate specific Tasks as prioritized, which elevates them to the top of your Labeling Queue.
Task Priority is reflected in the Web Application in the following ways:
Task Priority is visible in the Data Page when sorting by Queued for Labeling/Review or Recently Labeled/Reviewed - this logic applies to all Stages except for Ground Truth.
Task Priority will persist throughout Raising an Issue and/or Rejecting a Task at any Stage.
Task Priority will be visible in the Annotation Tool when viewing the Queue
Tasks that are Assigned and Prioritized will occupy a higher position in the queue than Tasks that are Unassigned and Prioritized.
For the truly brave, our Prioritization API supports up to the billionth place for floats.
The Send to Stage action is disabled for Consensus Projects!
Please see our for a more comprehensive overview of how to structure your data imports.
Any with relevant permissions can view a Task on RedBrick AI.
You can programmatically assign tasks by prescribing the assignment during data upload as part of your or using the of our SDK.
You can use the field in the to assign a Task you are uploading to a specific user(s) at each Stage.
You can use the assign_tasks() method to designate task assignment using the SDK. Please see our for further details.
From the Data Page: , you can filter existing Tasks by Queued for Labeling/Review and then by Tasks assigned to you.
In the Annotation Tool: can be expanded/retracted by clicking on the corresponding button in the top bar of the Annotation Tool.
As seen in the snippet below, you can use the method to designate a float between 0 and 1 that reflects the priority of a given Task (where 1 is the highest priority and 0 is the lowest).