Viewer Basics

RedBrick AI is designed for native medical image viewing and annotation, supporting all radiology modalities. The platform supports X-ray, CT, MRI, Ultrasound, and other 2D, 3D, and video modalities.

There are 4 main components to the annotation interface. We will refer to each of these components throughout the documentation.

  1. Left sidebar is where you create, edit, and interact with annotations and attributes.

  2. Top bar contains Task-level actions such as task submission and saving and the environment settings (Windowing, Layout), Version Explorer, Segmentation Tools, and Quick Measurement Tools.

  3. Context panel shows additional information and settings for any currently selected tool(s).

  4. Main canvas is where you interact with your images and apply your annotations to your images/volumes.

Viewing and navigating through your volume

Interacting with your images in RedBrick AI is similar to other medical imaging & PACS viewers. This section covers the basic shortcuts and functions for navigating through a volume.

You can find key shortcuts by clicking on the (?) Help button on the bottom right.

Changing slices

  1. Scroll: Scroll over any of the viewports.

  2. Shortcut: Use the up arrow and down arrow keyboard shortcuts on the selected viewport.

  3. Quick slice change: Hold alt/option and left click drag to quickly change slices.

Zoom and pan

  1. Zoom: Hold ctrl and scroll to zoom.

  2. Quick zoom: Hold ctrl and right click drag for a quick zoom.

  3. Pan: Hold shift and left click drag to pan.


  1. UI: Adjust windowing on the context panel by activating it from the top bar.

  2. Shortcut: Hold ctrl and left click drag vertically to adjust the level and horizontally to adjust the width.

3D model viewing

  1. Rotate: Left click drag to rotate the volume in 3D.

  2. Rotate fixed plane: Hold ctrl and left click drag to rotate the model fixed in the plane.

  3. Pan: Hold shift and left click drag to pan.

  4. Zoom: Hold ctrl/cmd and scroll to zoom.

  1. Rendering preset: adjusts the photorealistic rendering style.

  2. Shift: adjusts the volume rendering transfer function to modify the rendering.

  3. Maximum opacity: sets the maximum voxel opacity of the rendered image.

Crosshairs and oblique plane

Crosshairs will synchronize multiple projections of a single volume. Oblique planes allow you to view a non-orthogonal view of a volume.

Crosshairs will only be available on 3D modalities. Also, you must have multiple orthogonal projections in your viewport (for example, Axial and Sagittal) for cross-hairs to appear.


  1. Activate: From the top bar or by pressing c.

  2. Deactivate: From the top bar or by pressing esc. By default, deactivated crosshairs will be shown on the canvas and can be reactivated by selecting them. To hide deactivated cross-hairs press cmd/ctrl shift c.

Oblique plane

  1. Activate: Right click on any viewport, then select activate oblique. This will enable an oblique plane for just the selected projection.

  2. Usage: The oblique plane crosshair for each viewport will be color-coded. For example, the Sagittal oblique plane is purple in the video below. Rotating the purple crosshair creates an oblique plane on the Sagittal view.

Using crosshairs and oblique planes.

Maximum and minimum intensity projection (MIP)

Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) displays the highest intensity values in a 3D image along a viewing axis, useful for highlighting bright structures like blood vessels. Minimum Intensity Projection shows the lowest values, useful for revealing dark structures like airways.

You can only view MIP along the imaging axis for any volume.

To activate, change the displayed view to MIP in any viewport using the view dropdown on the top left.

Displaying MIP.

Managing your layout

RedBrick AI's viewer is flexible in how it displays series. You can customize the layout manually or use hanging protocols to display single or multiple series.

Changing layout and displaying series

  1. Change layout grid: Each modality has a default layout grid which can be modified from the layout grid on the top bar. The viewer supports everything between 1x1 and 3x3, showing a maximum of 9 views.

  2. Displaying series: You can customize what is shown in each viewport; this can be any 2D or 3D view.

    • Drag and drop: You can drag and drop any series or projection from the layout context panel to a target viewport.

    • Viewport selector: You can use the dropdown on any viewport to cycle between projections of that series.

    • Quick change: You can hover over the thumbnails on the layout context panel to directly place the view in the corresponding layout position.

  3. Maximize and minimize view: When you have more than 2 views displayed, you can maximize 1 viewport so that it's larger than the rest. Pressing enter will expand the currently selected viewport. Alternatively, you can right click and select maximize viewport on the layout menu.

  4. Full-screen mode: Press f to enter full-screen mode for distraction-free annotation.

Multiplanar reconstruction (MPR)

  1. Manually: You can create an MPR view by manually configuring the viewport and selecting the projections of your series following the instructions above.

  2. Right-click menu: You can also display an MPR view by right click on the viewport and selecting MPR layout. This will create a new layout tab with the MPR view.

Creating multiple layout tabs

Often you may want to move between two pre-set viewing configurations. For example, between a large 3D view and a view of all projections - Sagittal, Coronal, and Axial. This can be accomplished by creating multiple layout tabs.

Creating multiple layout tabs

Last updated