Full Format Reference
Items List and tasks.json
Most RedBrick flows incorporate two key JSON files:
- Items List - a file which points RedBrick AI to visual assets within a third-party storage solution;
- a file generated upon export that contains a record of the annotation work completed within a Project. Upon export, thetasks.json
file will contain a single entry for each Task;
If you’d like to upload annotations along with your data using either the CLI or the SDK, please see the corresponding documentation.
Object Reference
Please see the definition (in TypeScript) of RedBrick’s various objects below:
Object Glossary
The Task
object represents a single task on RedBrick AI. It contains task-level meta-data information about all the series within the task. A task can contain a single series or multiple series (ex. a full MRI study).
name: string
A user-defined string is defined on upload, it is required to be unique across all tasks in your project. The name
is meant to be a human-readable string that can help identify tasks ex. you can set name
of a task to patient/study01
taskId?: string
A unique identifier generated for each Task by RedBrick AI. This value is provided on export.
currentStageName?: string
The Stage a Task is in is when it is exported.
createdBy?: string
The email address of the user who uploaded the Task.
createdAt?: string
The datetime this Task was created (i.e. uploaded).
updatedBy?: string
The email of the last user to make edits to this Task.
updatedAt?: string
The datetime that this Task was last edited.
preAssign?: { [ stageName : string ] : string }
When uploading a Task, prescribe which users will have the Task assigned to them by Stage.
You can define the assignment for each Stage of the workflow, for example, Label and Review, {"Label": "name1@redbrickai.com", "Review": "name2@redbrickai.com"}
classification: { attributes : [ string : boolean ] }
A list of attributes assigned to an entire Task (or study, if the Task encapsulates an entire study).
metaData?: { [ key: string ]: string }
A list of key value pairs that can be affixed to a Task. This information is visible in the Annotation Tool.
priority?: number
Assign a priority value to a specific Task, which will influence the order in which the Task displays on the Data Page. The Automatic Assignment protocol will also auto-assign Tasks with a priority value to a user’s Labeling / Review Queue before moving on to Tasks without priority values.
The Series
object has metadata and annotations for a single Series within a Task. A Series can represent anything from a single MRI/CT series, a video, or a single 2D image.
If a Series contains annotations, you can expect one or more of the label entries to be present (e.g. segmentations
, polygons
items: string | string[]
The items entry is a list of file paths that point to your data. Please have a look at the #items-listdocumentation for a fuller explanation of how to format for various modalities and series/study uploads.
name: string
An optional user-defined string, needs to be unique across all series. Individual series will be named after this value on the labeling tool. Exported segmentation files will also be named using this value. Using the Series Instance UID here is good practice.
classifications: { attributes: [ string : boolean ] }
A list of attributes assigned to a specific Series.
instanceClassifications: fileIndex | fileName | [ values: { string : boolean } ]
The instanceClassifications
object defines a series of boolean values that can be assigned to individual instances (e.g. frames in a video).
metaData?: { [ key: string ]: string }
A list of key value pairs that can be affixed to a Series. This information is visible in the Annotation Tool.
binaryMask?: boolean
Reflects the user’s choice of optionally exporting annotations as a binary mask.
semanticMask?: boolean
Reflects the user’s choice of optionally using semantic export.
pngMask?: boolean
Reflects the user’s choice of optionally exporting annotations as a PNG mask.
Common Label Keys
Here are the definition for some common entries present in some/all label entries.
category: string | string[]
The class of your annotations. This value is part of your Project Taxonomy. If the class is nested, category
will be string[]
attributes: { [ attributeName: string ]: string | boolean }
Each annotation can have accompanying attributes, that are also defined in your Project Taxonomy. attributeName
is defined when creating your Taxonomy.
voxelPoint: { i: number, j: number, k: number }
represents a three-dimensional point in image space, where i and j are columns and rows, and k is the slice number.
worldPoint: { x: number, y: number, j: number }
represents a three-dimensional point in physical space/world coordinates. The world coordinates are calculated using VoxelPoint
and the Image Plane Module.
point2D: { xnorm: number, ynorm: number }
represents a two dimensional point. This is used to define annotation types on 2D data. xnorm
has been normalized by image width, hnorm
has been normalized by image height.
fileIndex: number
is an integer that corresponds to a specific frame in a video series.
fileName: string
represents the name given to an image or specific frame in a video series.
measurementStats: Dict
A dictionary containing a variety of geometric information about certain Object Labels.
group?: string
A unique string identifier that corresponds to a group of linked labels.
Measurement Stats
A dictionary (measurementStats
) containing geometric information about certain Object Labels.
average: number
The average pixel intensity value inside of a structure.
area?: number
The area of a 2D Object Label (e.g. Bounding Box, Ellipse), measured in square millimeters.
volume?: number
The volume of a 3D structure (e.g. Cuboid), measured in cubic millimeters.
minimum: number
The lowest pixel intensity value present in the structure.
maximum: number
The highest pixel intensity value present in the structure.
Video Meta Data
videoMetaData: Dict
A dictionary containing frameIndex
, trackId
, keyFrame
, and endFrame
frameIndex: number
This specifies which frame in a video sequence the annotation was created.
trackId: string
A unique string that identifies distinct object tracks in a video sequence.
keyFrame: boolean
If true, this annotation was manually added on a particular video sequence. If false, this annotation is a result of linear interpolation.
endFrame: boolean
If true, the annotation is the last annotation for a particular video track segment.
Segmentations and segmentMap
segmentations?: string | string[]
A list of file paths of segmentation files for this series. Either a single .nii
file, or multiple .nii
files containing different instances.
segmentMap?: { [ instanceId: number ]: { category: string | string[]; attributes?: Attributes; overlappingGroups?: number[]; group?: string; } };
A mapping between a segmentation’s instance ID, your Taxonomy category name, and any accompanying attributes. The mapping will apply only to the current series, and instance IDs must be unique across all series in a task (this is useful for instance segmentation).
Please note that the segmentMap
’s instanceId is generated incrementally based on the order in which annotations were created by the labeler. You can find an example JSON output below.
mask?: string
The path for the annotation file associated with a specific instanceId.
Contains information about the Bounding Box Object Label.
The location of the top-left point of the bounding box.
wNorm, hNorm: number
The width and height of the bounding box, normalized by the width and height of the image.
Contains information about the Polygon Object Label.
A list of 2D points that are connected to form a polygon. This list is ordered such that, is connected to . The last point is also connected to the first point to close the polygon.
Contains information about the Length Measurement Object Label.
point1, point2 :
A length measurement is defined by two points, and the length measurement is the distance between the two points.
absolutePoint1, absolutePoint2 :
Corresponding to point1
, point2
these are points in physical space.
normal: [number, number, number]
Measurements can be made on oblique planes. normal
defines the normal unit vector to the slice on which this annotation was made. For annotations made on non-oblique planes, the normal will be [0,0,1]
length: number
The value of the measurement in mm.
Contains information about the Angle Object Label.
point1, point2, vertex :
Angle measurement is defined by three points, where the vertex is the middle point. The angle between the two vectors (vertex -> point1 and vertex -> point2) defines the angle measurement. These points are all represented in IJK image coordinate space.
absolutePoint1, absolutePoint2 :
Corresponding to point1
, point2
, vertex
, these values are coordinates in the DICOM world coordinate system i.e. physical space.
normal: [number, number, number]
Measurements can be made on oblique planes. normal
defines the normal unit vector to the slice on which this annotation was made. For annotations made on non-oblique planes, the normal will be [0,0,1]
angle: number
The value of the angle in degrees.
Contains information about the Ellipse Object Label.
pointCenter: point2D
Information regarding the exact center of the Ellipse Object Label.
xRadiusNorm: number
A numeric value equivalent to half the length of the Ellipse Object Label’s major axis.
yRadiusNorm: number
A numeric value equivalent to half the length of the Ellipse Object Label’s minor axis.
rotationRad: number
The rotation angle of the Ellipse Object Label, expressed in radians.
Contains information about the Landmark Object Label on 2D images.
point: point2D
The point in physical space on a 2D image where the Landmark is located.
Landmark 3D
Contains information about the Landmark Object Label on 3D volumes.
point: voxelPoint
The point in physical space on a 3D volume where the Landmark is located.
Contains information about the Cuboid Object Label.
point1, point2: voxelPoint
Information about the initial point of the Cuboid (point1
) and the final point (point2
, opposite diagonal corner).
absolutePoint1, absolutePoint2: worldPoint
The position of VoxelPoints
and point2
in physical space (world coordinate) computed using the Image Plane Module.
Consensus Formats
Consensus tasks.json
The ConsensusTask
The consensus task object contains information about the consensus annotations for this task. There will be a single entry for every annotator who annotated this task. For example, if 3 users annotated each task in your project, the length of the consensusTasks
array will be 3.
updatedBy: string
The e-mail of the user who annotated the task.
updatedAt: string
The datetime when the user last updated the task.
scores: {secondaryUserEmail: string, score: number}[]
The scores
entry compares the current users’ annotations with every other user. The scores array will be of length n-1, where n is the number of users who annotated this task. score
is the similarity score between the current user, and secondaryUserEmail
series: Series[]
The series entry for the current user only.
Taxonomy Object
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