To visualize your data (and, optionally, your annotations) in Preview Mode:

  1. Click on Preview Mode in the left hand toolbar of the Home Page;

  2. Within Preview Mode, select the image(s) you would like to display or simply drag and drop them into the corresponding left hand window;

  3. (Optional) select the annotation file you would like to display or simply drag and drop it into the corresponding right hand window;

  4. Click on View Data;

  5. Use the Manage Files button (top right hand corner) and Replace buttons (in the dialog menu) to swap out new files as needed;

Uploading a spine MRI scan and annotations to Preview Mode

If you are uploading a segmentation file, Preview Mode will automatically map the annotations and display them as unique Instances in the left hand toolbar.

Please note that images and volumes can be manipulated in Preview Mode just as they would be in the standard Annotation Tool. The following functions represent a non-exhaustive list of features available in Preview Mode:

  • Windowing Settings

  • Thresholding Settings

  • MPR Layout

  • Command Bar (and commands such as “toggle Linear Pixel Interpolation”, “toggle permanent crosshairs”, etc.)

  • Oblique Planes

  • Horizontal and Vertical Flipping

  • Viewport Maximization and Minimization;

  • …and more!

If you are uploading a segmentation file that contains non-segmentation annotations (e.g. length measurements, bounding boxes, etc.), the non-segmentation annotations will not display in Preview Mode.

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