• Outstanding Tasks: your Worklist contains all of the Tasks assigned or cached to a user across all Projects, assembled in one place for ease of reference

  • Caching state: your Worklist displays how many Tasks have been cached to your browser, as well as their size

  • Task progress: your Worklist tracks the states (i.e. Skipped, Draft, Issue, Not Started, In Progress) and Stages (i.e. Label, Review, Ground Truth) of incomplete Tasks

A sample Worklist

Users can execute the following actions with their Worklist:

  • Open a Task in the Editor - by clicking on the three-dot menu

  • Navigate to Project - by clicking on the Project name

  • Uncache a Task - by clicking on the Uncache icon next to a Task’s three-dot menu

  • Uncache a Task and remove it from Worklist - click the Task’s checkbox and select Uncache and remove in the snackbar that appears at the bottom of the screen.

    • Note: this operation does not un-assign the Task from the currently assigned user
  • Filter Worklist Tasks - by Project, Stage, Task ID and Task Progress

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